EN60A | 刀片式电源接口
EN60A Power Male 8PW+6S R/A Type | Patent
 EN60A 刀片电源公座 8组电源+6个信号 折弯式 | 专利结构 
 电压Voltage rating  250VDC max.
 电流Current rating  60A/Per Power Pair
 接触阻抗Contact resistance  0.6mΩ max. Initial
 耐久Durability Life  10,000 cycles max.
 适用压接工艺Press Fit  N/A
 应用提示 FAE Tips  +4PW/-4PW 240A max.
 工作温度Working Temps  -40°C~125°C.
 应用领域Application Field  UAV/Robot/IE......

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